Wednesday, February 17, 2010


It’s been established that the relative position of any electron in the universe, can only be identified when one chooses to perceive it. The simple act of perceiving an electron (in your state of consciousness) brings an electron into focus. The position of the electron isn’t an actuality, it’s a matter of probability – because the tools you’re using are limited to only what they can measure in this reality.

This is not to say that all objects in this reality are not real – in this reality, they are absolutely real. But the problem here is, what’s real to us, isn’t necessarily real or correct in terms of different dimensions, perceptions, or parallel universes – it just means that we’re going out on a limb if we say we can understand the true nature of everything – or, in this case, 'where an electron actually is'.

Science, on this new level, now exists in the form of probability, than accurate understanding and rationality. Unfortunately there comes a time when science is useless in its application, due to our inability to perceive the correct actuality.

This does not invalidate science – it merely invalidates what we’re seeing. Because it’s not a
reality – it’s merely a projection of what we think actually exists, without having the ability to see the infinite layers the universe is made up of – it’s difficult to imagine a universe that isn’t perceivable, but as we think of adequate words to describe the universe, we’re creating devices that will have the ability to perceive the other sides of the universe. We will use the fundamentals of cause and effect to determine what actually exists and what is merely an

Fucking ridiculous.

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